Home » SERUM. Engineer Minkovsky

SERUM. Engineer Minkovsky

by Przemek

In the Desert Biome, the player must search for engineer Minkovsky. The serach can be aided by the notes the engineer left at the Human research station.



The condensed serum from the cavern stops the aging process by putting organisms in hibernation. The serumers that float in it seem to do that. When they touch another body, they start to produce what I preliminarily called a positive radiation.

What a discovery!

Just like the electric eels did it for Dr. Frankenstein, the serumers may become my tools and my hope. He used the eels to wake up his monster. I’ll use the serumers to anesthetize mine.

It’s a shame that I can’t share my discovery with Richard.

The next note is in the form of a letter.

MINKOVSKY’S NOTE #8 (letter)

Dear Richard,

I’ve found a way to survive this hell. I left the results of my research in the refuge, I hope you’ll eventually find them.

I moved the hydrochamber to a cavern I discovered. Here’s not safe and I need constant contact with the serumers (it’s a name I gave to the organisms that live there). With their help, I’ll put myself in hibernation.

I believe the corporation will soon send rescuers for you. Don’t wake me up. If you do so, my mutation will progress and I’ll die. Come for me only when the neutralizer is developed. Beware though. A dangerous creature similar to a bear appeared in the biome. I was afraid it will find my cavern, so I blew up the entrance with dynamite I found near the old mine. Use what’s left to clear the rubble.

The cavern with serumers is located in the canyon wall. I marked the spot so it’s easy to find, but you’ll have to climb up to get to it. The scorpuga stimuler will make it easier for you.

Stan Minkovsky

Engineer from the Human research station

The player finds a sign in the gorge mentioned in engineer Minkovsky’s note, indicating the entrance to a cave. The player must use a climbing stimulator to get there. The component of the stimulator is Scorpuga.

After interacting with the sign, Adam’s comment will appear.


Seems I’ll have to climb.

The player climbs up to the entrance of the cave and then enters the collapsed passage. The player sets explosives and moves to a safe distance to avoid being killed by the explosion. The player is then attacked by a giant Rock bear, which is the Boss in the Canyon Biome and which climbed into the cave after Adam.

The Boss has a bear and a gecko gens. This allows the Boss to climb very well.

During a brief fight, the explosives planted by the player will explode. The force of the explosion hits the Boss and Adam. The Boss flies out of the passage and falls to the ground. Adam stops at the edge of the cave entrance. He sees the Boss lying on the ground. The Boss is alive.


(with relief)


Adam looks towards the mouth of the cave. The explosion has created a small passage in the collapse. A human can fit through it, but the Boss certainly can’t.

The player approaches the small passage and interacts with it. Adam squeezes through.

The player sets off to find Minkovsky.

The cave turns out to be a maze of rocky passages full of mutated animals that the player has encountered in the game. Minkovsky has installed lights everywhere so that the player doesn’t have to use a night vision stimulator. Cables and industrial lamps are visible on the walls every 10 metres.

The player has to walk through a maze. At the end is a rock chamber where Minkovsky is hiding.

Once through the maze, the player will enter a large underground chamber, which Minkovsky has converted into a hideout. A comment appears.




High in the vault of the chamber is an opening through which light enters. Inside there are many devices and equipment – including a tool table, a generator, an absorber. A hydrochamber with Minkovsky stands against one of the walls. Glass tubes connect it to the condensed serum tanks. There are serumers floating in them. The condensed serum and the serumers are also in the pipes and inside the hydrochamber. Inside is also a sleeping Minkovsky, strapped to the back wall of the hydro chamber.

The engineer is naked. His body shows signs of mutation. He has cables attached to his head, which connect him to the equipment next to the hydrochamber. The monitor shows the engineer’s brain waves and the image of the virtual reality in which the engineer lives.

There are many useful materials and items around. Among other things, the player will find a new type or upgrade of weapon to use against the Boss.

Minkovsky’s last note is also in the hideout.


I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait for help. I suppose they won’t come for me anytime soon. It may take couple of years. Maybe even more. And I’ll have to spend all this time in the state of serum hibernation.

The research proved that I’ll dream. That wouldn’t be a problem for most people, but I tend to have nightmares. I don’t think I’ll have them constantly, but as a scientist I can’t exclude such a probability.

Several years of ghastly dreams. I don’t want to push my brain to such limits. I’d rather avoid any unpleasant surprises, so during my hibernation my consciousness will be plugged into the virtual reality I developed for myself. This way, I’ll dream my perfect dream.

The hydrochamber in which Minkovsky is locked is a kind of sarcophagus that cannot be destroyed. The player has to break the security to open it. This is another mini-logic game. The player must close the supply of serum and serumers and wait for them to flow out of the hydrochamber. Then the player opens the front of the hydrochamber (like a door). Minkovsky does not fall out of the hydrochamber. He is strapped to the back wall with a belt.

The player interacts with Minkovsky’s timer. He pulls out the Applicator and inserts the Data Storage Device, which is shaped like a serum vial. The player then connects the Applicator to the Engineer’s timer. The amount of data read is displayed on the Data Storage Device. The data should be copied quickly (2-3 seconds).







After copying the data, Adam disconnects the Applicator from the Engineer’s timer and connects it to his timer. Adam’s timer reads the data. The Data Storage Device transfers the data in the opposite direction.







After copying the data, Adam hides the Applicator. A comment appears.



Now let’s get to Richard.

Adam closes the hydrochamber, then opens the flow of serum and serumers.


Sweet dreams.

The player moves towards the exit of the hideout. The sound of the Boss breaking through the corridors can be heard coming from the maze. The Boss climbed back up to the cave entrance and broken through thecollapsed passage.


(sounds of collapsing rocks, commotion)



What the hell?

A second later, the Boss will emerge from the maze. The monster collapses the entrance to the hideout, cutting off the player’s escape route. The Boss looks around and notices Adam.


Oh, fuck!

The Boss rushes out to attack. The Canyon Boss fight begins.