Home » SERUM. Poor pilot

SERUM. Poor pilot

by Przemek

While exploring the Forest Biome, the player can complete a side quest.

Four locations in the Forest Biome are plot-related to the Pilot who survived the plane crash. These are: 1. Plane Wreckage, 2. Wolves’ Lair, 3. Car Graveyard and 4. Broken Forest.

The Pilot’s story begins with the Plane Wreckage, but the player can collect the story pieces in any order.

1. Plane Wreckage

Near the Plane Wreckage is a grave with a cross made of two sticks with a plaque with the handwritten name of the co-pilot.


James Tuck

The player enters the Wreckage.

The front part of the fuselage with the cockpit is in a deplorable condition. The flight instruments seem to be damaged and partially burned. Some equipment has been removed. Cables hang here and there.

There is a Pilot’s note (David) and a small amount of resources in the cockpit.


Day two.

We crashed. Fucking controllers didn’t inform us about the storm that broke out on our route. We flew into it unaware of the danger. A minute later all hell broke loose around the plane.

I’ve never seen so many lightnings before. The first one hit the hull. The third one fried our electronics. My co-pilot, James Tuck, didn’t survive the emergency landing. I buried him near the wreck.

The storm pushed us off the route, so I don’t know where I am. Looks like one of the Pacific islands. Seems deserted. An accident of some sort took place here. I haven’t seen any people yet. Only strange animals.

I have the serum supply for about two weeks and a sufficient amount of food. The damaged radio is my only real concern. I can’t call for help without it. Fortunately, there’s a junkyard in the northwest. I noticed it before we hit the ground. I hope to find the parts I need there.

Captain David Pratter

If the player finds Pilot’s Note no. 1 first, Adam’s comment will appear.



– I could use the aircraft radio to call for help. Maybe it’s a good idea to look for it?

The central part of the hull looks like it was inhabited for a short time. It’s a mess inside. There is a makeshift table, empty bottles on the floor, food cans, a gas stove, a place to sleep, etc.

There is also another note from the Pilot (David) and a small amount of resources. The note is pinned to the wall in a conspicuous place. The Pilot (David) wanted it to be found.


Day four.

On my way to the junkyard I stumbled across a den of wild dogs. They looked like wolves, but they weren’t shy.

I thought that a flare gun shot would scare them off, but I was wrong. The noise only made them angry. Before I knew what was happening, the pack was at my throat. I survived, but I lost the pack along with my gear.

When I returned to the wreck, I noticed that one of the dogs was following me. It ran away when it realized that I saw it, but I’m sure it’ll lead the whole pack here.

I used my last flare at the den, so I have nothing to protect myself with. I need to move. I’ll take all the equipment I need and the radio and head northwest, toward the junkyard. I hope I’ll be safe there.

I’m leaving this message in case any rescuers find the wreck somehow.

Captain David Pratter

If the player found Pilot’s Note no. 2 first, Adam’s comment appears.



– I could use the aircraft radio to call for help. Maybe it’s a good idea to look for it?

2. Wolves’ Lair

If the player enters the territory of wolves, they will attack. The reward for defeating wolves is the Pilot’s lost backpack and its contents.

3. Car Graveyard

The Car Graveyard is a kind of labyrinth. There is a makeshift base that the pilot (David) has set up in one of the vehicles (e.g. the bus). The interior of the bus looks like a camper. There is chaos, similar to the wreckage of an airplane. It is obvious that someone has been living here for some time.

Inside the bus, there are some resources and another Pilot’s Note.


Day eleven.

I’m running out of the serum. Something strange is happening to my body as well. I think it’s some kind of a mycosis.

Those damn dogs are getting closer. They’ll find me any day now. I need to move again.

I head north, to a cave in the broken forest. I’ve noticed that the dogs avoid this place. As if they were afraid of something. Maybe they’ll leave me alone there.

My only consolation is that I found most of the parts for the radio. When I fix it, I’ll be able to call for help. I can’t wait. I’m sick of this damn island.

Captain David Pratter

If the player found Pilot’s Note no. 3 first, Adam’s comment will appear.



– I could use some help as well. Maybe I should look for this radio?

4. Broken Forest

The forest broken by the Forest Boss is near the Fauna Research Station. There are traces of the Forest Boss here and there. 

The Pilot’s (David’s) hideout is in a half-open cave. There are: a makeshift bed in the form of a mattress, a sleeping bag, a table, a chair, empty serum vials, etc. There is also another Pilot’s Note.


I know why the dogs don’t come to this place. They’re afraid of a humanoid monster that prowls the area. I saw it this morning.

The monster was breaking trees like glass. It passed my hiding place, but who knows what it’ll do the next time. I must secure the entrance to the cave. That thing can’t get in here.

There is a Generator in the cave. It is connected to the Transport Crate, which is locked with an electronic lock. The playaer has to use the generator to open the crate. However, this is a trap because there is also a radio connected to the same generator.

The radio is on the table. There are cables connecting it to the generator. A Zombie is sitting by the radio. It’s a mutated Pilot (David). He looks dead. He is wearing what is left of a pilot’s uniform. He has his head on his chest and his hands on the radio. He is not moving or breathing. Nothing happens when the player approaches him.

However, if the player decides to activate the Generator to open the Transport Crate, electricity will also flow to the radio, electrocuting the Pilot (David) sitting next to it. The Pilot will then wake up like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster and attack the player. The radio will burn.

Adam reacts to the awakening of the Zombie Pilot (David).



– Oh, fuck!

The fight begins.

Fighting the Zombie Pilot (David) should be a bit more difficult than fighting a regular Zombie. Upon victory, the player will gain access to the contents of the Transport Crate. There are resources, serum, etc.

The player can also interact with a burnt radio. In this case, Adam’s comment will appear.



– The radio’s fried. It’s just a piece of junk now. I’m out of here.

The player returns to the main story.