Home » SERUM. Skull Tree

SERUM. Skull Tree

by Przemek

After entering the Swamp Biome, there are three mentions of the mysterious Jack among the many notes that can be found.


(drawing of a mutated human)

There are six of us left. The mutagen got the rest. Some of them changed into indescribable things that looked, smelled and behaved horribly. They were neither humans nor animals. They resembled junkies with withdrawal symptoms. Aggressive, without any limits, they were dangerous. We had to kill them.

Sooner or later we’ll all end up like them. Every day we take the serum we produce in the fabricators. We also regularly use the absorbers. But we all know that’s not enough.

Jack started to eat raw meat of the mutants. He thinks it’ll help. I told him that’s bullshit, but he stubbornly keeps doing it. I think he’s going mad.


Jack went mad. Yesterday, he killed Harry and ran away with his body.

For the last month, he’s been disappearing for several hours every day. He’s been constantly jabbering about the heads and some damn tree. I thought he was fooling around. Now I know he’s completely crazy.

George thinks that we should hunt him down. I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Jack used to be a soldier. He won’t be easy to track down or kill.


(On the piece of paper there is a drawing of a large tree with skulls hanging from its branches; a man is standing next to it; there is a name with exclamation marks next to it: JACK!!!; the name is connected to the man with an arrow; there are also drawings of traps set on the way to the Skull Tree; next to them is the word: DANGER! and a drawing of a skull)

The notes and drawing are a kind of warning to the player, and also information that Jack lives near the Skull Tree and is dangerous.

The Skull Tree is a side quest. The player can go there, but doesn’t have to.

There are traps set by Jack on the way to the Skull Tree. Traps cause damage when the player steps into them.

The player reaches the island with the Skull Tree. The tree is large and withered, making a somber impression. Next to it is a makeshift hut. Human and animal bones lie around. Skulls and wind chimes made of bones hang from the branches.


(boom, bam, boom)

When the player enters the island, Jack, sitting in the hut, will begin to speak off-screen. Jack recites a fragment of a poem by Mary Howitt called The Spider and the Fly.


(theatrical and cheerful; the last verse is gloomy, almost threatening)

  • „Will you walk into my parlour?” said a spider to a fly;
    ” 'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.
    The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
    And I have many pretty things to shew when you are there.”
    „Oh no, no!” said the little fly, „to ask me is in vain,
    For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.”

After saying his last words, Jack leaves the hut. He is about 50 years old, a fat and bearded man. He is wearing a dirty and worn-out Flora Research Station coverall. On his chest is a name tag with the name JACK. He is not mutated because he has full resistance to the mutagen. But he’s crazy. He looks dangerous and he is dangerous.

Adam is surprised to see him.



– Who are you?

Jack slowly approaches Adam. So far there are no signs of trouble.


– My name’s Jack. I used to be a technician at the Flora Research Station.



– I thought that all the survivors are dead. How did you make it?


(calmly, as if nothing had happened)

– I killed those who survived and I ate their flesh. This way I stopped the mutation.



– What?


(crazy voice)

– I’ll kill you too. And I’ll decorate my tree with your skull and bones.


– You’re crazy.


(pointing to skulls)

– They thought so too. And now they all hang here.

Jack pulls a nail-studded club from behind his back and attacks Adam. The fight begins.

A difficult battle ensues. Even though Jack is not a boss, he is not an easy opponent. Defeating him should be a challenge for the player.

During the fight, after the appropriate number of blows has been dealt or received, Jack will speak to Adam.


(after dealing 25% damage to Adam)

(with irony)

– You move as slow as molasses.

(after dealing 50% damage to Adam)

– You don’t stand a chance.

(after dealing 75% damage to Adam)

– Ha, ha, ha! I’ll rip your guts out.

(after dealing 95% damage to Adam)

– Soon you’ll hang on my tree.


(after taking 25% damage)


– A mosquito bites harder than you.

(after taking 50% damage)


– Aaa! You’ll need to try harder if you want to kill me!

(after taking 75% damage)


– Ah! I’ll trample you like a worm for this!

(after taking 90% damage)

(pissed off)

– Ah! That’s enough! Prepare to die!

There are several rewards for killing Jack.

The first one is under the Skull Tree or near the dead Jack (it falls from Jack when the player kills him). It can be: 1. a new weapon, 2. a weapon upgrade, 3. a recipe for a new type of stimuler.

The second one is in the transport box in Jack’s hut. There are many useful resources inside.

After defeating Jack, the player leaves the island with the Skull Tree and returns to the main story.

Serum. Poor pilot